Saturday, March 07, 2020

SunFounder NAS kit

So I picked up a SunFounder NAS kit and the hard drive for it finally arrived today.  So I set it up.

For $80, you get a nice enclosure, eInk display with buttons, fans, USB-to-SATA adaptor and an SD card with Raspian and Open Media Vault on it.

You need to supply a Raspberry PI (I used a 3B+ I had laying around) and a 2.5" SATA hard drive (that I got on Amazon for $30).

Overall, this is a pretty simple set up.  I had some issues setting up NFS, but that was an Open Media Vault issue.

So for $80 + $30 + $35 = $145 I got a nice little 500 GB NAS.

You should install log2ram on it to lengthen the lifespan of the SD card.  I would like to see them upgrade the distro to include that out of the box.

But other than that, it's really nice.

Now, does it meet my needs?  The jury is still out on that.  We'll see.

The plan was to replace Haruka with a bank of Raspberry PIs.  Using a case like this.  I would have a Pi that:
1. Does the backups of our PCs
2. Serves our Movies
3. Services our Music
4. Allows me to access stuff from outside our network.

None of Haruka's drives are over 50% used and they are 1TB drives.  So 500 GB drives for the Pis would work nice.

The wheels are turning.  We will see.

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