Sunday, December 06, 2020

PIGFX relook

After completely messing up my vt132 kit, I decided to give PIGFX another try.

PIGFX has come a long way since I last looked at it and it's very nice, but not perfect.

Good points:

  • It support graphic modes and sprites, so you can get closer to the real retro PC feel.
  • It's somewhat VT100/ANSI compatible.

Bad points:

  • It's somewhat VT100/ANSI compatible to the point where it's frustrating.


It does not support any of the VT100 attributes.  No bright/dim, underscore, blink, reverse or hidden.

The color codes aren't even close to VT100/ANSI.  It would have been nice if they were somewhat close.

It's close enough to VT100 where you just want to run the VT100 codes, but not having the attributes is frustrating when you want to highlight something.

Something on my RC2014 (I don't know where) wraps the text when it gets to 80 columns and it takes the escape sequences as part of that 80 columns and may wrap your text when you don't expect it.

So I'm going to play with this a little more and maybe see what I can do to get around the frustrations.

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