Monday, June 24, 2019

Who likes socialism?

There are 3 groups of people who like socialism:
  1. The power hungry (dictator wannabes).
  2. The elite.
  3. The stupid/lazy.
Let's take each group more in depth.

The Power Hungry
Despite the name, socialism is not about people.  Well, I should say it's not about individuals.  Under socialism, people are nothing more than components in a machine - easily replaceable and of low value.

Under Socialism, the gov't owns everything.  Therefore who ever controls the gov't controls everything.  And, like we saw in every socialist experiment, socialism devolves into a de-facto dictatorship.

People like Crooked Hilary and Crazy Bernie fall into this group.  They are pushing socialism, not because they think it's great, but because they think that once it's in, they will siphon off power/money for themselves.

The Elite
You see these people mainly in the Ivory Tower of universities.  These people are experts in their own fields, but are woefully ignorant in every other area.  But they think that they have The Plan that will create Utopia.

History has shown time and time again that these people are extremely ignorant.  They are ignorant about their own Plan.  They are ignorant in that they think that if socialism comes that the Power Hungry will allow them to implement their Plan.

They speak of themselves as "smart" because they have a degree in X, but X has nothing to do with economics.

The Stupid/Lazy
This is the biggest group.

The Stupid are people who think that Socialism is more "moral" than capitalism (how they can think that stealing the work of someone is "moral" shows how bad our education system has become).  They are simply ignorant - and made so by the media/education.

The Lazy are people who like the idea of getting "free stuff" without working.  These people are parasites who society should be eliminating.

So when someone wants to tell you what a wonderful idea socialism is, ask yourself "What group does that person fall in to?"  I guarantee that they will fall into one of these groups.

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