Friday, April 13, 2018

Penguicon 2018 - R.I.P.

Looking at the categories this year, if we assume equal distribution of panels there are 14 categories. I’m only interested in 6. That’s actually pretty good. But that assumes equal distribution.

TrackReally interested inSort Of Interested inNotes
DIY03Most panels are craft, not really DYI.
Food02Many Vegan panels
Life01Lots of alt-left lifestyle panels
Penguicon02Really, only the opening and closing ceremonies, but that's nothing different for me.
Science00Not really science for many panels. Sorry, but anything with "J.R.R. Tolkien" in the title is not "science". Bob Trembly pretty much carries this track.
Tech11Programming panels were beginner level, which shows the level of the attendees.  Not much "tech" in the Tech track.

Wow. 48 hours of programming with only 1 panel that's really interesting and 9 that are sort of interesting. I remember when the norm was that I had to choose between 3 different panels that I really wanted to see, but were scheduled at the same time - and find time to eat lunch since there was no open slot for that.

Once again, there is little Linux, real science or tech.  Mostly alt-left stuff.  Penguicon is dead as a "geek" convention.  It's really just an alt-left festival now.

I guess it is true: The left really does ruin everything it touches.

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