Monday, March 06, 2017

Arduino TPDD update

Progress, but not.

So the last update, it was communicating.  I was seeing commands being sent and my responses.  But when I looked harder at the output, something was off.  Everything looked right, but something was off.  I was getting "junk" just as communications stopped.

First thing I thought was "too fast".  So I dropped the speed from 19,200 to 9600.  More communications!  Yay!  But things still weren't working.

So I decided to step back and see what "good" communications looked like.  So I got my USB to Serial cable, hooked it up to my PC, and ran dlplus - having recompiled dl.c with debug mode on.

I captured the output and compared it to mine.

The input and outputs "match" in that when I get command X the correct response it sent.

Interestingly, the "mystery" commands aren't sent to dlplus, but they are sent to my Arduino setup.

I think that the data that I'm sending isn't all getting there.  That means I need to try another shifter, maybe one with hardware flow control lines available.  *Sigh*  I did not want to mess with RS-232 hardware flow control, but it looks like I'll have to.

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