We stayed at a wonderful Bed and Breakfast: Haan's 1830 Inn. It's only a 10 minute walk to the town and very close to the Butterfly House and Mackinac Art Museum.
So, the good:
- Since it's after Labor Day, the number of Fudgies is low. The crowds are light and the lines to get into things is small.
- Prices are low. Big discount at the Inn for this time of year. Plus most of the shops had sales.
- Staying on the island means you can see things without even the low crowds during the day.
- The weather at this time of year is cold and rainy. The day we arrived, it poured. But we remembered to bring our rain gear and were were not uncomfortable as we walked from inside venue to inside venue.
- The next day was rainy in the morning. But, you know, it was rather nice. We met maybe 5 people on the trails. We rested in several covered areas around the island and by afternoon, it was clear and dry (with the expected upswing in tourists).
- The day we left was, of course, bright, sunny and dry. *sigh*
On the way back, we had time, so we stopped at Fort Michilimackinac. They have done a wonderful job of reconstructing the fort and turning the place into an excellent museum. There was more of crowd at the fort, though. But mainly because the Wrinkle Wagons dropped a bunch of seniors (who were all very nice).